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Stan Mann - The Results Coach for Financial Professionals

Free training for financial advisors

Thursday, April 17, 2014 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm

“The Seven Essential Strategies to Get More Profitable Clients"

Hi, I’m Stan Mann. I help financial professionals get more profitable ideal clients and the freedom to work the way they want. I have a 15 year proven track record of helping struggling business owners get great results, like boosting sales 147% in four months, doubling, even tripling their revenue. And with less stress and less work. Many have freed up six more hours a week to spend with their family.

My clients did not achieve their breakthrough results with a single strategy.They use a system of strategies to achieve great results.

It’s like baking a chocolate cake. To get a delicious chocolate cake, you have to put in all the right ingredients in the right order.

This webinar will teach you step by step the exact strategies (ingredients) to a great a marketing system that works. It will consistently help you get more profitable ideal clients.

 These are the same strategies used by my client, Charlie Hutto.He exceeded his 2013 asset goals four months early while getting six more evening hours a week to spend with his family.



This webinar is for financial professionals who want to…

  • Attract more profitable ideal clients with less effort
  • Create compelling marketing messages that get attention
  • Get in front of high-end prospects
  • Close more sales
  • Get high fees and commissions
  • Clear away their reluctance to market and sell their services

If this is what you’re looking for, I invite you to attend this complementary training. Learn the strategies used by my clients for breakthrough results.

Attend the webinar live and get free coaching on how to ...

  •  Target and acquire high net worth prospects to grow your bottom line
  • Get more profitable referrals
  • Craft a compelling marketing message that works like honey drawing bees.
  • Have a group of raving fans who help you improve your practice and provide a steady flow of referrals to highly profitable prospects.
  • Close more sales

Come prepared with your questions and get some real help to grow your business

I’ll help you create a plan to attract more profitable, ideal clients in this webinar.

What you get…

A proven and affordable plan to get bigger results faster with less effort.

 Set real and achievable marketing goals

Action steps for you to take to start getting results

In 90 minutes, I’ll show you the essential strategies of this proven marking system for getting more profitable ideal clients. You’ll leave with an action plan you can start using immediately.

Check your calendar to be sure you can attend.

Webinar details:

Date: Thursday, April 17, 2014

Time: 12:30 PM Eastern etc.

Length: 90 minutes

Bonus: I’ll be giving away to many participants free copies of my book, TRIGGERS: A New Approach to Self-Motivation, published by Prentice Hall

The webinar will be recorded if you cannot attend live. Please try to attend live and you’ll be able to ask your questions.

Before you make your reservation, to get the most from the live webinarplease do some (or all) of the following:

  1. Check your schedule to be sure you can attend.
  2. When you get the confirmation, enter the date in your calendar, plus the call-in number and link
  3. Create a reminder alarm for the webinar.
  4. Share this with a friend so you can both attend and then discuss it.

OK, now you’re all set!

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