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Stan Mann - The Results Coach for Financial Professionals

Stan's Book

Triggers: Coach Stan’s Book for Achieving Peak Performance So You Can Grow Your Business Faster

Did you know the number one block to reaching your goals is the “F” word: FEAR. Business breakthroughs can only happen when you master your fears. With TRIGGERS, you can easily remove any fear that has been slowing you down or stopping you in your tracks.

What are your personal fears? Do you:

  • Feel shy about promoting yourself?
  • Avoid asking for the sale?
  • Fear talks and workshops?
  • Think it feel scary to be successful?
  • Fear investing in yourself and your practice?

These are the most common fears shared by advisors.

Did you know that you don’t have to suffer to overcome your unreasonable fears? Most pundits tell you face your fears, do it anyway—that if you keep doing it long enough the fear will finally fade away. It doesn’t have to be this way. TRIGGERS show you step-by-step how to easily erase your fears so you become supremely confident and courageous. It only takes a few minutes to install a TRIGGER. Then you can use it to be instantly fearless whenever you need.(Chapter 2)

You can call on that intimidating prospect you’ve been avoiding. You can smoothly and effectively ask your clients for more assets under management. (Page 23)

TRIGGERS does much more. You can program your mind to soak up energy like a sponge. Imagine how helpful that would be for keeping up with regulations and investment strategies. (Page 47)

Having trouble doing your daily workouts? You know you should. It’s good for your body and mind. What’s good for your mind is good for your business. Use TRIGGERS to motivate yourself in a snap! (Page 7)

Need to recover from an illness that slowing you down? Speed up your recovery with TRIGGERS. (Page 86)

Autographed Hardcover was $29.95.

Now only $20.50 [+ $4.00 for S&H in the United States]

or you can get TRIGGERS as an e-book for only $14.50

Want to read a chapter before buying? Click for a free PDF copy of Chapter One.

How Readers Have Used TRIGGERS

Using Triggers, Firm’s Sales Exploded 167% in Four Months!

Chris Arnold, President & CEO of MRI/Sales Consultants of Laurel Park, Inc. wrestled with an alarming sales slump.

He was allowing himself to be distracted by personal problems and wasn’t focusing on critical market and client development calls.

Filled with negative beliefs, self doubt and serious personal issues he started coaching. In just four months after starting, he reported sales had skyrocket 164%.

He attributes this to being coached using TRIGGERS techniques to wipe away his unreasonable fears and change his negative beliefs to positive ones.

“This is only the beginning of an outstanding year of record profit and revenue generation,” reports a very confident Chris Arnold. “If you had asked me four months ago if sales would be 167% ahead of the same time last year, given this sluggish economy, I’d would have laughed it off. . .it’s for real and what a great feeling of accomplishment it is.”

Successful Business Owner Happily Balances Life With Triggers

Bob was making millions but was stressed and unhappy. His life had gotten out of balance. He was spending too much time  at work, neglecting his wife and family. 

He used TRIGGERS to increase his ability to delegate, rid himself of distractions and focus on the essentials. He is happier than he has ever been, enjoying his family and feeling much less stress.

Doctor Uses Triggers to Erase Fear of Being Assertive

John was a brilliant doctor. As smart as he was, he was timid. He had trouble talking to the loan officer at his bank. He even had trouble getting his staff to treat patients properly-with caring enthusiasm. 

Using the TRIGGER techniques that I helped him install, he replaced his fear with confidence. “What a relief” he wrote, “I really hated asking for a much needed loan. Not only did I persuade my banker to give me my loan, I can now talk to him freely about my finances-and he has given me some good advice.

It feels good to be able to talk to him man-to-man. And, yes, I got my employees to treat patients the way I want them to be treated. Business is better than ever.”

You can use the methods in this book to be a powerful leader and be even more successful. Get more profitable clients and more money under management.

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