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Stan Mann - The Results Coach for Financial Professionals

Business Coach for Financial Advisors

I coach financial advisors to get more profitable HNW clients faster, with less work and less stress

Coaching specifically designed to help financial advisors, financial planners, wealth managers, money managers, registered investment advisors, insurance agents, accountants, estate attorneys, and group health and property and casualty agents.

When financial professionals, such as financial advisors, come to me, the issue is often not what to do or how to do it, but how to get out of their own way. They are often stuck in self-defeating behaviors, fear of taking the next step, thinking small and being unclear on their direction.

Sometimes they are making certain critical mistakes that slows them down or stops their growth. Are you making any of these mistakes? Get my free report. Sign up on the right sidebar.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Stan Mann. As a therapist for 19 years and a business coach for 14 years, I now specialize in coaching financial advisors and other financial professionals. I delight in helping business people reach their goals and make a difference in the lives of their clients.

You’re a very busy financial professional and you’ve reached some level of success. You love helping your clients reach their goals. You studied hard and are very good at what you do. You provide real value to your clients.

But you’re not good at marketing and not getting enough profitable clients. You get a referral now and then, but not a steady flow. You’re so busy servicing your clients now that you don’t have time for practice building. You might have a lot of clients, but they don’t pay well. You have a few ideal clients who are fun and pay you well, but you don’t have enough of them.

There are two issues about getting more clients. The first is exactly how to do it, but the second is more important. And that’s how to get unstuck from self-defeating behaviors, fear of taking the next step, thinking small and being unclear on your direction.

I understand the unique challenges faced by self-employed, independent financial advisors and top executives. I know exactly how to get you unstuck and growing fast.

For instance, Charlie Hutto, Financial Advisor, used to be stressed out working long evenings cold calling house-to-house. He really missed family time with his wife and two boys. On top of that, he couldn’t bring myself to ask for referrals and was working this head off with too many unprofitable clients.

I helped Charlie turn that all around. I taught him more effective prospecting activities. He’s now getting more profitable high-end clients and has exceeded his asset goals for the year. Now he easily asks for referrals at every opportunity. In fact, he enjoys it.

What he enjoys even more is having six more evening hours a week to spend with his family. He loves the lower stress lifestyle.

I also coached Ronald Jones, a financial advisor with Irongate Wealth Management, target a niche and develop a prospecting plan to start taking effective action. He used to be pretty discouraged. His prospecting activities were not very effective and he was uncertain about what to do or say.

We focused on using scripts for prospecting, following up and getting appointments. When he knew exactly what to say, he started getting results. This was a big boost to his self-confidence.

So before you go anywhere else on this site, I invite you to get my free special report on “Top Seven Mistakes Advisors Make That Stop Their Growth” and learn the most common mistakes that you’re likely making in trying to grow your business. I think you’ll find it enlightening.


And then feel free to explore this site. My blog is full of valuable tips to build an ideal practice, get more profitable clients, and freedom to work the way you want.  Read about who I work with, how I work and the services I offer that help advisors (also executives and small business owners) reach the levels of success that have eluded them up to this point.

Thanks for visiting,

Stan Mann


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