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Stan Mann - The Results Coach for Financial Professionals

Seven Essential Strategies to Get More Profitable Clients – Part 2


This is the second in a series of blogs that offer a complete plan to get a steady flow of profitable clients and freedom to work the way you want

The Problem

I've talked to many financial advisors who are struggling to get enough profitable clients.

Most love what they do and are great at it, but word-of-mouth is not enough to get people ringing the phone. When advisors realize they need to market, they don't know how and don't like doing it. They dislike promoting themselves and asking for favors. They find it stressful. They bite the bullet and start marketing because they want to help more people.

These advisors know a few strategies to get clients. They pick up an idea from a book. A colleague gives them a tip. They attend a lecture, take a class or webinar. They learn bits and pieces, but don't have all the essential strategies. It's like trying to bake a chocolate cake without all the right ingredients. You don't realize you need sugar or you don't know how much sugar to use. You get poor results.

The solution

What works? Knowing and using a complete marketing system works. Here is a tested system based on the best practices for financial professionals.

I call it "The Seven Essential Strategies to Get More Profitable Clients."

This is the second blog in a series that will teach you all seven essential strategies and tell you exactly what to do. You will be able to create a well-paying business that supports a rich and fulfilling life.

Read and study each one of these biweekly blog's. Put what you learn into practice. You won't want to miss a single one.

The First Essential Strategy to Get More Profitable Clients – continued.

Today's blogs continues with the first essential strategy. My previous blog talked about selecting a niche. Now we need to talk about mindset.

At the heart of your success is your state of mind, your mindset.

The engine that drives your mindset and motivates you into action is your vision. Whether you realize it or not, you have a vision for your life.

Don't follow a limiting vision

Your vision can be a pedestrian, limiting vision. I believe that most people have such a limiting vision. They earn their living by getting a job. They trade one third of their life for money. They hate Mondays and celebrate Friday's, TGIF. That's all they see for themselves.

I lived six soul sapping months that way on a Chrysler production line. Getting a job was what everybody I knew did. So I got a job with Chrysler and hated every minute. When a labor strike liberated me, I never looked back.

Create Your Inspiring Vision of Success

Then I joined that lucky minority who beat the system of trading life (time) for dollars. I started doing work I loved. Work that satisfied my values and beliefs.

I get a thrill from and love helping people make important improvements in their lives. It might sound a little corny, like something a beauty contestant might say, but it's true and effects me deeply. That's what attracted me to work with financial advisors. Most of you love helping people achieve their financial goals.

Although I get a thrill out of helping anybody, from a business standpoint it doesn't work. I know. I tried and failed. When I started out as a coach, I tried to coach anybody and everybody because I could. Just like you can help anybody and everybody with their finances. Trouble is, you can't have a profitable business doing that. Instead you have to focus on a niche as I described in my earlier blog.

So, if you love helping people reach their financial goals, my seven essential strategies will help you do that.

To achieve this you need to create your inspiring vision of success. What do you ideally want for your business and your life? Begin with the end in mind. Dream big. Never mind, for now, how you're going to get there. That comes later.

Your brain is a problem-solving machine. It loves puzzles. Remember those times you went to sleep with some unsolved problem on your mind and awoke in the morning with an elegant solution. It happens to all of us. Our unconscious mind is a marvel. But your unconscious mind must be guided by your conscious mind. You must give your unconscious the right puzzles to solve by asking the right questions.

So don't give your unconscious a small uninspiring vision to work on. It'll solve it for you and that's all you'll get – a dinky little life. Give your unconscious a big inspiring vision that gets you excited and motivates you to make it a reality.

How much money do you want to earn? Double or triple it. How much AUM? Double or triple that. How many clients? Don't double or triple that. This is different. Now the puzzle or question is how to achieve your goals with your clients with less work. Figure out how to get bigger clients. Mike Michalowicz has an intriguing solution in his book, "The Pumpkin Plan."

Write your inspiring vision in detail. Committing it to paper and ink is essential. If you don't, your vision will fade and become unclear. You want a crystal-clear vision with as much detail as possible.

Think about your vision daily. Read it a couple times a week. Edit and enhance it at least two or three times a year.


Having a big, bold, inspiring vision is the foundation to success. Avoid having a limiting vision. Create your big, bold, inspiring vision as I have described above. You will find it easier to make the right decisions. You'll enjoy your work much more. You will always be highly motivated. And you'll dramatically increase your probability of success.


Now that you have an inspiring, motivating vision, we need to address the resistances that are likely to interfere with your efforts to achieve your goals.

That will be the topic of our next blog.

To learn more, attend my monthly webinar. You can get details and how to register by clicking here.

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